There are so many places to choose from when you are going out to eat, so how do you find the most authentic italian food?
Below hints are our suggestions for you to find the best places to eat real italian food,
Buona caccia... (good hunting)
The most authentic italian restaurents are NOT named "Restaurent", look for names like "Trattoria".
Italians know what the dishes are called, they do not need pictures to know what they will be eating.
Look for places with menues in italian or at least without pictures.
If you want to more authentic italian food then do NOT choose the place right next to Colloseum or in the most ideal place on the touristic square, find the places on the side street, the places hidden away, the places that you get recommended by the locals.
If the other guests are tourists like yourself, you may not find what you are looking for, check out the other guests and eat at the places that the italians have chosen, then you may very well get a real authentic experience.
If you can't read the menu then consider using camera option in Google Translate. Setting the app to translate to English will allow you to translate live using the telephones video camera.
Be aware that italian restaurents are obliged by law to display their menu outside so that you can read it before you enter the place.
Italian restaurents are obliged by law to show by means of an asterisc ("*") when food items that are part of a serving have been frozen.
Even if some or all of the above recommendations are not true for the place that you fancy, then we do sometimes just want to sit on the middle of the square, even if it is very touristic and expensive, just because we want to be on the front row, so do as you please and enjoy what you are doing.